"They say the secret of success is being at the right place at the right time, but since you never know when the right time is going to be, I figure the trick is to find the right place and just hang around."I have saved this strip – I think it follows where Calvin hopes if the right place is a comic book store, so you can hang around in front of that.
— Bill Watterson
I was thinking about this initial advantage. Heard this in Radiolab podcast On Success with Malcolm Gladwell as well – about a random initial advantage maximized over a period of time. Of course, small things like hardwork, passion, attitude and a little bit of genius helps. It is not about the initial advantage through quirks such as which year you were born etc, but advantage created by people with own initiative. I have been involved in setting up a new team recently – given everybody gets same chance and starts from same place, looking at how people come up differently. I have seen people becoming go-to persons in projects without anyone realizing that is what is happening. Last week I was hearing about someone where customer is saying they can start a project, but need one particular person even though he doesn’t have background on the project, but the potential was very obvious. I feel those are people who keep working on some aspects of the project – be it business knowledge or technology – and with enough time and effort spent on their own – eventually it widens the gap with others. I had one person join my previous account during a major technical upgrade project, kept digging into product issues which was not exactly his responsibility and within months became highly regarded by vendor and business partners – it was in an area where we had multiple people released from project due to complaints from a nasty customer contact and I had almost written it off as not possible to turn around.
That is my second thing – I think many people wait for assigning responsibilities before doing something. I think many times we can go beyond the typical assigned responsibilities – yes, some time we get managers who ask you not to be overenthusiastic. I don’t mean it in a way of being over ambitious or doing it in a calculated way. But there are people who learn the most and become such go-to persons (linchpins?) without anybody telling them to be.
Lastly – being hungry for it. I think we need to watch out for that time when we stop learning and stop wanting to do anything other than minimum required.