
If you could cry
Hard cleansing cry
that comes in waves
Wash away the guilt
The pain
Expectations, desires
Clear away the knots
To breath free

Thunder down like Niagara
Beat out the devil, the madness
All the noise
All the chaos
all the clouds
Let it shine again

A rain that drums down
To drench the kid again
Dream those epics
And sleep like a baby
To be free
One that lasts long enough
To wash away
The wants and the needs
To purify
And make you honest
Restore the innocence
That got stolen
All the masks, lies 
pretenses, fantasies
and impulses
Clear the web of stories
To make a man again

Like the rushing river
That restores the spring
On your feet
Song on the lips
Smile in your eyes
To make you strong
Lift the blue haze
To face the world again
With new resolve
In a brand new day
Make you truly care
And love
Those that truly matter

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