Follow a career (or a boss?)

Three perspectives on "the boss" from my friends..

– One who quit Infosys to start his own company – he said the best part was "having no boss and being nobody’s boss".
– Second (also ex-Infy) says "They are trying to promote me. I am an excellent programmer. Why would I want to be a mediocre manager?"
– Third feels he should look for a good boss to work with in future, that careers are made by following good bosses in their ventures and growing with them. It could be called "sucking up", but if you are indeed good, working with a good leader can be a learning experience. Like this quote "The advice I give people all the time is pick your manager first. A great manager will negate most other work problems, whereas an awful manager will negate most other work pleasures."

So I guess the choices are don’t be/have a boss or find a good one to work with..


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