good day

The day was a complete disaster, until that point. I called home to let them know I started from office. She picked up the phone and said “I recognized the phone number. I was waiting for you. I will start getting ready, we can dance”. When I reached home, she was wearing four different colored beads, one necklace, red, pink, purple, orange, gold bangles, all with a blue dress. She said something in rapid fire fashion; I understood something like she will dance three times, one to teach me, one to dance together and one solo. Her mother was going to put on the radio and we will dance to whatever music that comes on. So we danced the weird dance, she was twirling and doing all sort of stuff with her face and hands and I had to repeat after her. It was too much for her mother / my wife to pass, so she recorded it. Thus it went on for couple of hours – her best friend called in between, she was all excited, she gave me a dictation, sang some songs, we played two varieties of hide and seek and in between all that she was studying for her final exam in LKG. It was not a complete disaster after all.

Earlier in the day..

I started the day reading “Design of everyday things”, thought about usability and slipped into a day dream about how I would start a new business which will vastly improve on usability of something existing and make me peanuts to live by. I drove to office, reached one minute before a scheduled call, took the call on mobile and had breakfast in between. Now can’t believe this is the same day and it just had been few hours since then.

Got into another call, one of those projects which is an experiment on chaos theory. Jumped into another slow burning furnace next. Had a tea with some friends where people were complaining about long running proposals with 3 deliverables per day, lots of ideas and too little direction, 22 proposals with 2 losses and 20 pending decisions and general venting on all things process related. Come back, discuss a project in medium risk, the kind of one which you can think of only with a sinking feeling. Straight after get to discuss how to revamp knowledge management in what we are doing – someone talking about collaboration, discussion, contribution and I was thinking that even if we get few of the hundreds of outdated documents updated it will be an accomplishment.

In between someone pinged in messenger and asked “when am I going to get a project??????”. From there on, it was all further downhill – came across someone who has visa who doesn’t want to travel, someone with visa who wants to travel only to a specific location, someone who want to travel anywhere except stay here, project starting but no one experienced to start it with. Saw three new polices in the same day and had issues with all three and better not get into that. Someone came asking about best practice with something specific which I directed to another and it came straight back that whatever I knew was in fact the only best practice.

I made a status report just to make sure that will be some status atleast someday down the line to report on, debugged why revenue was more than the estimate somewhere, sympathized with someone who got a much hyped code sample that the customer wrote for the project and found that from that grain of sand he has to build a whole palace. And on and on..
I was telling her not to stick her tongue out all the time and that she will get rashes. I was getting angry and told her if she does that one more time, she will get something from me. The biggest problem I have is I can’t keep a straight face while strictly asking her not to do something. So she thought for a minute and started saying “you remember that advertisement, one uncle comes and asks if you can touch your nose with your tongue, then washes a toilet and the aunty also tries to touch her nose with her tongue.. nobody can touch it right? Like this”. Then she taught me to make 10 different structures with toy tea cups, empty jewelry boxes and a tumbler, before calling it a day..

aspen, blinding light

I took a day off today, just to avoid leaves expiring by month end. It was a relaxing day and had two instances of curious connections. I di...