
This weekend, I was reading interview with editor of The Guardian in Hindu, came across this:-
If you believe there is a revolution going everywhere else in information and you take a decision early on to cut yourself off from that, then it’s difficult to see how you can experiment in future. My suspicion is that in the next 10 years, the most extraordinary things will happen in terms of information, how we find it, how we search for it, how we present it. And I want to be as open as possible to all that.
There has been this drumbeat of change in news and in general publishing – with web first and now mobile and other devices such as iPad and Kindle gaining more prominence. But what struck me there was the intention to keep the organization open to that change, getting positioned to take advantage of it than work to minimize the impact of the change.

Other thing was about predictions. Same article in Hindu mentions about mobiles and saw this Gartner research which is related to it – by 2013, mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common Web access device worldwide. On Monday, I heard someone quoting a Gartner research that 30% of legacy systems were going to be modernized to ERP packages in next few years (didn’t get a reference to this). This has implications to folks with mainframe background in terms of acquiring new skills. So I was thinking what else is going to change that has impact? What is going to change in IT outsourcing in next 10 years?

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