
"we suffer more in our imagination than reality."

So much chatter goes on in our head. We talk to ourselves more than with any other person in our lifetime. So little of will be known to anyone else, we cannot bear the consequences of letting other people know. So we reason with us, the good part of us trying to be in control and suppressing and improving the ever worrying, criticising, jealous, devious, evil parts. So many layers of defense built up and little that goes out is sometimes by accident when we think someone is trustworthy. That they will see the good and ignore or make the bad better. When they deceive, some more layers of defense adds up, the shell gets thicker and the chances of another person breaking through diminishes further. So every act of unkind behavior causes ripple effect, within the person at receiving and denies chances for others to make up.

What if we break the norms? What if we act kindly to every person we meet? What if we always help first? What if we never defend ourselves - take anything for what it is worth and reject the rest? What if we smile more? What if we share more, if it helps someone else to know it is normal? What if we reach out randomly to fellow passengers in this journey? Even those who look cheerful on the outside may be putting on a massive show. Not just the loners and socially awkward, but what if we connect genuinely to everyone we encounter? Without any expectations. 

- after reading the book "13 reasons why"

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