choosing the people we work with

I listened Naval Ravikant's farnam street podcast few weeks back. Liked it very much and was listening to it in loops for some days while commuting to office. 

One of the aspects he was talking about in that came to mind today while the prospect of working with someone I would hate to work with came up today. Naval talked about shutting out people who he didn't think had integrity or not working with angry people. I work in services industry where I don't choose my customers or many times don't choose my team mates or bosses. What is my choice if I hate to work with someone to the core? 

I was thinking about the purpose of work itself. I read about future of work that the concept of work itself may get outdated - why is it necessary for human beings with limited life spans to be away from family for hours, spend time in closed spaces with random people, just to make money for living. It is said meaningful work and meaningful relationships are ingredients for a happy life. What could be meaningful work? For me it is working for some greater purpose (even if I have to invent one) and working with good people I can respect, learn from and enjoy spending time with. There are people that we tolerate - since everyone is a little bit mad, quirky and set in their ways. But where to draw the line? Today's examples were people who think they are angry young men for the sake of it, ill treating others in the name of being ruthless, showing off and not respecting or allowing the team members to grow. How I wish I start something myself and choose the people I work with. 

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