Amelia Boone - Farnam Street podcast

Long time back, one of my team mates would say as a reason of coming late most mornings that he couldn’t muster the energy in the morning, had to warm up and crank the engine. I had joked with him to drink less the previous night, as a solution, nothing else is needed to charge him up every morning. But today was one of those days for me. I don’t laze around in the morning, I get into the rhythm and go through the motions, so won’t be sloppy, but some days are like that. I searched around to see what I can read which will put me in the mood and give me a little push – of self reflection, new ideas and get the creative juices flowing a bit. Didn’t find much, gave up and started from home for office. I had seen a photo of Amelia Boone with her 70 year old dad liked by someone in my twitter feed and remembered that I had downloaded her interview in Farnam street podcast. I put that on and started driving to office. It totally lifted my spirits, I was stopping multiple times on my way to make notes and smiled at some points. It was such a treat. Her accent, passion/joy/smile/laugh in the voice, made it all the more enjoyable. Host, Shane, was clearly enjoying this conversation.

When I listen to such podcasts, I get some connected ideas – some to try in my work, some for personal improvement. Few notes from this podcast..

  • She talked about stopping an reflecting in the middle of a “death race”, on why is she doing this and about quitting. Just focus on the next step – one step at a time – is a good advice. Life lesson itself – focus on today and get through it.
  • Focus on the process, the effort and enjoy the journey. Mindset that results don’t matter.
  • Trust your process, don’t be forced to run someone else’s race – changing the pace in the initial part of the race to catchup with someone, while knowing that you usually close well and need to keep energy for that.
  • You don’t have a right to something, don’t be entitled. I feel people don’t have beginner mindsets these days, they approach new job or new assignments with a sense of entitlement. Just because of their years of experience and position, they should be at this level and assuming they know it all. It is such a blocker for some people who could have done great things to not even try something new or due to such entitled attitude others don’t feel like giving them that chance.
  • Don’t be too hard on myself, be kind with myself. Be gentle. Self talk.
  • Listening to same songs for 5 years, same song on repeat – song becomes background music to thinking. I used to study like this in college.
  • Kids doing chores from age 6, earning pocket money, working through high school and college. Sense of ownership. I think India and East not having such a culture is causing our kids to have a false sense of entitlement, not appreciate value of work and earning for oneself.
  • Wondered what would be my super productive hours in day
  • Her hack of putting an item in the TODO list that can be checked off is nice way to show progress to myself than staring at a full list

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